Rules and Regulations for Talent Hunt

    Talent Hunt Programme Objectives:

    1. To search the talents of students in the field of cultural items and as an anchor.
    2. To polish the talent of students.
    3. To give opportunities to all the students to present and polish their talent.
    4. To encourage students to shed their hesitations and show their capability.
  2. This phase of the competition provides an insight into your preparatory and performance skills. Talent selection and performance distinguishes the contestant’s personality and skills, interpretive ability, quality of the talent presented, stage presence, technical skill level (execution, technique, synchronization, control), and the totality of all elements (including costume, props, music, voice, and choreography). All talent must be approved by the director.
  3. Talent presentations must be conducted live on stage and not through the use of projection. This does not preclude the use of taped background music as long as you, yourself, are performing live. Taped accompaniment must be on CD. Regardless of the type of talent, background music cannot have voices, instruments, or other noises which mimic the talent of the contestant.
  4. No talent is allowed to repeat during the competition (Same music/song cannot be used by different contestants). The first contestant with completed application requesting a specific song will reserve that song for competition. In case of duplication, the second contestant will be notified that a different selection must be made. The only exception to this rule.
  5. Disqualification:

    Clearly state the grounds for disqualification, such as violation of rules, cheating, misconduct, or any other behavior seemed inappropriate.

  6. Prizes and Awards:

    Specify prizes or awards that will be given to winners or finalists in each talent category. This could include cash rewards, scholarships, performance opportunities, or any other incentive.

Register for Talent Hunt 2024-25 with Pakians

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