Home/Yearly Academic Schedule

Yearly Academic Schedule for Matric (9th / 10th) Session 2024-25

Yearly Academic Schedule For 9th/10th

Grade: 9th
  • Start of Regular Classes:1st April, 2024
  • Syllabus Competition Date:30th September,2024
Book/Syllabus Division
Round 1:
  • Start Of Round One :1st April, 2024
  • End Of Round One:11th July, 2024
  • Test Round One:June, 2024
  • Exam:1th July,2024
Round 2:
  • Start Of Round 2:12th July, 2024
  • End Of Round 2:31st August, 2024
  • Test Round 2:10th August, 2024
  • Exam:22nd August, 2024

Round 3:
  • Start Of Round 3:2ndSeptember, 2024
  • End Of Round 3:30th September, 2024
  • Test Round 3:_____
  • Exam:_________

Student Discussion week : 1stSeptember,2024 to 15st September, 2024
Revision Strategy 1(12 Test Scheme)
Test Schedule For Each Round
Divide whole book in 3 parts. Each part contains 33.3% syllabus. Test will be taken in reverse order
Round 1:
  • Total syllabus:100 ---- 66.9%
  • Number of Test:4
  • Round Exam1
Round Test:
  • Schedule For 4 Test:16th October, 2024 to 2nd November, 2024
Round Exam:
  • Exam:4th November, 2024 to 13th November, 2024

Round PTM:
  • (Parents Teacher Meeting)16th November, 2024 (Saturday)
  • Sports Day14th November, 2024
  • Syllabus Discussion16th, 17th November, 2024
Round 2:
  • Total syllabus:66.6% ---- 33.3%
  • Number of Test:4
  • Round Exam1

Round Test:

  • Schedule For 4 Test:18th November, 2024 to 5th December, 2024

Round Exam:

  • Exam:6th December, 2024 to 16th December, 2024

Round PTM:

  • (Parents Teacher Meeting)21st December, 2024 (Saturday)
  • Sports Day17th December, 2024
  • Syllabus Discussion18th, 19th December, 2024

Round 3:

  • Total syllabus:33.3%-----0%
  • Number of Test:4
  • Round Exam1

Round Test:

  • Schedule For 4 Test:20th December, 2024 to 7th January, 2025

Round Exam:

  • Exam:8th January, 2025 to 17th January, 2025

Round PTM:

  • (Parents Teacher Meeting)22nd January, 2025 (Wednesday)
  • Sports Day18th January, 2025
Test And Paper Pattern Test Pattern
  • MCQs : 20       Short Questions : 03       Long Questions: 02
  • Test Duration: 1: 20 min
  • Same pattern for all three rounds
  • Paper Pattern: Regular Board Pattern Along With SLO
  • Note Test and papers must be prepared in such a way that they contain material which is based on SLO as well as regular Board pattern.
Revision Strategy 02
Section B/C Revision
Divide whole book in 2 parts. Each part contains 50% syllabus
Round 1:
  • Last 50% syllabus
Round Exam:
  • Exam: 20th January ,2025 to 29th January ,2025

Round PTM
  • (Parents Teacher Meeting) : 1st February ,2025 (Wednesday)

Round 2:

  • First 50% Syllabus

Round Exam:

  • Exam: 30th January ,2025 to 8th February ,2025

Exam Pattern

  • Short Questions: 12 ( Any 9)       Long Question: 7 ( Any 3 to 4)

MCQ’s Revision

Round 3:

  • Whole book

Round Exam:

  • Exam: 10th February, 2025 to 18th February, 2025

Round PTM:

  • (Parents Teacher Meeting)22nd Ferbuary, 2025 (Saturday)

Detention/ Internal Exams

Exam: 19th February, 2025 to 28th February, 2025

Co-curricular Activities

  • Student Trip: 12th October, 2024
  • Teacher’s Test: 22nd February, 2025
  • Grade 10th Farewell: ___

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